Customers - Blue Forge Consulting

Blue Forge Consulting works with customers from varying industries, please see below for further details:


Shipping Companies

Blue Forge Consulting provides a range of products from country risk analyses to intelligence reports, as well as conducting ship safety and security assessments.


Defence Companies

Reports into systems effectiveness and competitors’ capabilities are included in the range of products to defence companies.  Representative services are also available.


Maritime Security Companies

Providing regular services which include advice on shipping companies, areas in which to operate and area developments, maritime security companies are benefiting from Blue Forge’s expertise.


Legal Companies

Expert witness services have been provided this year to companies seeking knowledgeable background information and advice on specific incidents in High Risk Areas.


Oil and Gas Companies

Blue Forge provide security assessments and recommendations on areas in which O&G companies are either currently or intending to conduct operations.


International Journals

Contributing regularly to an international maritime journal, Blue Forge is providing up to date information and analysis on key maritime activities around the world.


Next Steps…

If you require our services or would like to discuss more for what we can do for you, Please do get in touch…


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